
In the ancient, magical forest of Valendor, where towering trees touch the sky and the essence of life is bound to its roots, the gods created the Eladrin to protect its balance. These ethereal beings are connected to the four seasons, forming clans that embody their respective roles in the cycle of life: Together, the Eladrin clans safeguard the harmony of Valendor, preserving its ancient magic and the delicate balance of life.

Winter Clan (Silent Watchers):

 Guardians of endurance and stillness, they protect the vulnerable land during its dormant state, valuing patience and unseen strength.

Summer Clan (Sun’s Embrace):

 Embodiments of warmth and strength, they ensure abundance without excess, channeling the sun’s fiery energy to maintain balance during times of growth.

Spring Clan (Verdant Reclaimers):

 Bringers of growth and vitality, they awaken the forest with hope and renewal, symbolizing rebirth and endless potential.

Autumn Clan (Harvest Keepers):

 Stewards of change and renewal, they guide the transition between life and decay, ensuring balance and nurturing wisdom.